How to contribute

Getting started

So you’re interested in contributing to odata-query? That’s great! We’re excited to hear your ideas and experiences.

This file describes all the different ways in which you can contribute.

Reporting a bug

Have you encountered a bug? Please let us know by reporting it.

Before doing so, take a look at the existing Issues to make sure the bug you encountered hasn’t already been reported by someone else. If so, we ask you to reply to the existing Issue rather than creating a new one. Bugs with many replies will obviously have a higher priority.

If the bug you encountered has not been reported yet, create a new Issue for it and make sure to label it as a ‘bug’. To allow us to help you as efficiently as possible, always try to include the following:

  • Which version of odata-query are you using?

  • What went wrong?

  • What did you expect to happen?

  • Detailed steps to reproduce.

The maintainer of this repository monitors issues on a regular basis and will respond to your bug report as soon as possible.

Requesting an enhancement

Do you have a great idea that could make odata-query even better? Feel free to request an enhancement.

Before doing so, take a look at the existing Issues to make sure your idea hasn’t already been requested by someone else. If so, we ask you to reply or give a thumbs-up to the existing Issue rather than creating a new one. Requests with many replies will obviously have a higher priority.

If your idea has not been requested yet, create a new Issue for it and make sure to label it as an ‘enhancement’. Explain what your idea is in detail and how it could improve odata-query.

The maintainer of this repository monitors issues on a regular basis and will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Contributing code

Would you prefer to contribute directly by writing some code yourself? That’s great.

If your contribution is minor, such as fixing a bug or typo, we encourage you to open a pull request right away.

If your contribution is major, such as a new feature or a breaking change, start by opening an issue first. That way, other people can weigh in on the discussion before you do any work.

The workflow for creating a pull request:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. clone your forked repository.

  3. Create a new feature branch from the master branch.

  4. Make your contributions to the project’s code. Please run the tests before committing, and keep the code style conform to the project’s style guide (listed below).

  5. Add documentation where required. Please keep the style conform.

  6. Add your changes to the Changelog in the “Unreleased” section. Include a link to your GitHub profile for some internet fame.

  7. commit your changes in logical chunks.

  8. push your branch to your fork on GitHub.

  9. Create a pull request from your feature branch to the original repository’s master branch.

The maintainer of this repository monitors pull requests on a regular basis and will respond as soon as possible. The smaller individual pull requests are, the faster the maintainer will be able to respond.

Local development

odata-query uses poetry to manage the package and its dependencies, and tox to run tests and linting in dedicated environments.

To install the project for development, run:

poetry install -E testing -E linting -E docs

To run all tests and linting, run:


To ensure your files are configured correctly (linting will bug you if they’re not), you can configure your IDE to use the included linting tools OR run them manually as follows:

poetry run black .  # Format files to adhere to the Black code style
poetry run isort .  # Ensure the imports are organised correctly


Discussions about odata-query take place on this repository’s Issues and Pull Requests sections. Anybody is welcome to join the conversation. Wherever possible, do not take these conversations to private channels, including contacting the maintainers directly. Keeping communication public means everybody can benefit and learn.