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odata-query is a library that parses OData v4 filter strings, and can convert them to other forms such as Django Queries, SQLAlchemy Queries, or just plain SQL.


odata-query is available on pypi, so can be installed with the package manager of your choice:

pip install odata-query
# OR
poetry add odata-query
# OR
pipenv install odata-query

The package defines the following optional extra’s:

  • django: If you want to pin a compatible Django version.

  • sqlalchemy: If you want to pin a compatible SQLAlchemy version.

The following extra’s relate to the development of this library:

  • linting: The linting and code style tools.

  • testing: Packages for running the tests.

  • docs: For building the project documentation.

You can install extra’s by adding them between square brackets during installation:

pip install odata-query[sqlalchemy]


The most common use case is probably parsing an OData query string, and applying it to a query your ORM understands. For this purpose there is an all-in-one function: apply_odata_query.

Example for Django:

from odata_query.django import apply_odata_query

orm_query = MyModel.objects  # This can be a Manager or a QuerySet.
odata_query = "name eq 'test'"  # This will usually come from a query string parameter.

query = apply_odata_query(orm_query, odata_query)
results = query.all()

Example for SQLAlchemy ORM:

from odata_query.sqlalchemy import apply_odata_query

orm_query = select(MyModel)  # This is any form of Query or Selectable.
odata_query = "name eq 'test'"  # This will usually come from a query string parameter.

query = apply_odata_query(orm_query, odata_query)
results = session.execute(query).scalars().all()

Example for SQLAlchemy Core:

from odata_query.sqlalchemy import apply_odata_core

core_query = select(MyTable)  # This is any form of Query or Selectable.
odata_query = "name eq 'test'"  # This will usually come from a query string parameter.

query = apply_odata_core(core_query, odata_query)
results = session.execute(query).scalars().all()



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